QR codes becomes very popular these days and you might want to create them and add to your website.
What is a QR Code?
QR Codes is a technology that allows to open links very easy in 1 click just using your camera app. When the user will scan QR code image, your phone will recognize it and conver into a link to will be open in the browser. It can be any link, for example a link to a form or detailed page or restaurant menu or a link to download an app.
Luckily for us it can be done directly in Google Sheets for free using one simple formula.
How to create a QR Code in Google Sheets?
Please using these steps to create a QR Code.
- Open your Google Sheet
- In the cell add this formula
Sheet2Site will recognize it and will change it to an image.
You can also use it in more dynamic way. Instead of writting each website manullay you can change it to a refference to a cell.
Example: "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=150x150&cht=qr&chl=example.com" & A1